Fighting for Your Recovery

Recovery is hard. It may be one of the biggest challenges one may face in their life. However, it’s so, so worth it. But how do you start this journey when there may be additional challenges? Say, inaccessibility. Other times, maybe you just can’t see the point, you can’t find hope, your reason to fight. But I promise you, there is hope, and there is a way to fight for your recovery. 

For example, a big problem I had in finding a psychologist was accessibility. As a wheelchair user, it’s important for me to always check for potential problems. Unfortunately, this meant that with some people I contacted, I was often met with there being some kind of obstacle, usually stairs and there not being a lift or a ramp in the building. 

These kinds of challenges can make it difficult. I wanted to get help, but how do you do that when there are valid issues to work around? For you, it could also be an accessibility issue, maybe a cultural challenge, or something else - it can make things a lot more difficult. But not impossible.

It would have been so easy to just give up. Having these additional challenges can be really disheartening. However, just because they’re there, doesn’t mean that you can’t access help. It doesn’t mean that you can’t heal. It doesn’t mean there isn’t hope. 

So, how do you overcome these barriers? This depends on your individual situation, but I have some general tips that may be of use. 

  • Start by thinking of what challenges you may face and need to think about. Maybe write out a list of them with a second list stating ways you could overcome these challenges or ways to address them. 
  • Find others on social media who may face similar challenges. They may have posts or might even be happy to talk to you about how best to find places that are accessible to you. 
  • Talk to others. This could be therapists who can refer you to someone who can help, or perhaps through friends or even organisations or businesses you belong to or follow. 
  • Do your research. Places that are accessible and able to accommodate people with different challenges might state this on their website. 
  • Don’t be afraid to specifically state the barriers you face. This helps to ensure that your therapist, psychologist, or whomever you’re meeting, is aware and able to help make sure you feel as comfortable and welcome as possible. 

Reaching out and fighting for your recovery is hard. When there are other barriers, it can feel overwhelming and maybe even impossible. However, there is always hope. It can be difficult to find, but it’s there. 


Voices of Hope wants you to know that you do not have to do this alone. Click here to 'find help' - it's not weak to speak!

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